Aireborough & Wharfedale (A&W) District ASA 2024
A&W Gala 1 - Entries Open
It is with great delight that we're able to officially open registrations for the first A&W gala of 2024.
Here are all the details:
- Our first A&W gala will be held at 6 pm on Saturday 9 March at Aireborough Leisure Centre, Guiseley. This gala is rescheduled from Saturday 2 March due to a gala clash.
- Each individual event costs £3 to enter.
- Entry is based on the swimmers age as of 21/09/24 so make sure you enter into the right age group.
- Deadline for entries is 8 pm on Friday 23 February 2024. Unfortunately, we're unable to accept ANY late registrations so to avoid disappointment, register today!
- Disciplines are spread across all five A&W galas so please don't worry if your favoured discipline doesn't appear in the first event. Make sure you check out the running order of the remaining four galas.
Check out the full 2024 gala program on our website or on the ASC noticeboard located on the mezzanine floor at Aireborough Leisure Centre.
How do I enter?
Please submit your entry form https://forms.gle/a4WwZEyyeBtNrsC89 and pay the fee(s) using the details below before the closing deadline.
How do I pay?
Account Name: Aireborough Swimming Club
Bank Name: Virgin Bank
Sort Code: 05-00-60
Account Number: 37220641
Swimmers Reference: Start reference with AWG1 -
- First three characters of swimmers surname SMI
- First three characters of swimmers first name JOH
- Year of Birth 01
- Swimmers Reference is AWG1- SMIJOH01
If you have any questions about this or any of our ASC galas, please speak to our Gala Secretary, Alyson Davis, by emailing [email protected] or What's App 07702 934878.