Welcome to the first of our news pages, we aim to bring a number of these pages to our website throughout the year. If you have any ideas or items you would like to be included then please let us know.
We have now broken up for Easter and the club wishes everyone an enjoyable holiday and we look forward to meeting you all again after the break.
Swimming recommences on April 21st for our Monday Swimmers and April 23rd for our Thursday swimmers.
We have had a good term since Christmas with four Race Training nights as well as the Time Trials.
The following is a news item from your Gala Committee
The first gala of the year is the mixed team gala we want to wish all the swimmers that have been selected luck in the competition remember to turn up! Reminders will be sent out but if you cannot turn up please give notice so we could call up a reserve.
Galas are great fun and gives your children the chance to compete outside of ASC. There is always a big crowd watching and cheering for every club it is a great atmosphere.
Remember all the gala dates are on the website let's make 2015 a great year for ASC with more children competing in the galas whether in teams or individual events.
If you want to discuss your child/children entering any of the galas please contact the Gala Chair Ian Clark available most Monday nights at training sessions or you can email him directly at [email protected]
If you have any News items you would like to be included please send them to [email protected]
Subscriptions will be due after the break and prompt payment is always appreciated.